Friday, October 22, 2004

"Sovereignty. S-o-v-e-r-n-t. Sovereignty."

Electionanigans already -and you thought Florida was going to be a mess...

Who do you hate enough, to make you vote for Bush? great satire from The Bean

Return of the King XE preview thanks Bran

W on sovereignty Listen close, and you can hear the crowd laughing! Too bad he's not trying to be funny.

Hunter S. Thompson is a force of nature.

Coal-mine canary 2.0 *gulp*

Wow. Very interesting approach...

Monday, October 18, 2004

Kiss my what?

Amazing. Er, I mean humiliating. Thanks out to Kensor for that link.

Kiss my what? What's that cute little thing Catholics say when you want something you can't have... oh yes- "People in Hell want ice water." Not that I care much for church politics, but this is just beyond the pale.