Wednesday, September 08, 2004

What's wrong with this picture?

Why is this a big deal? It's 2004 already. In 2001 we were told that Mark Bingham or whoever called their moms and spouses etc from airplanes-in-flight as though it was routine, so why would airlines like American (as in American Flights 11 and 77) announce in 2004 that they might be allowing their use as early as 2006?

Am I missing something?

Very good short essay: Bush's lies cause untold pain

That one was good, but this one is excellent. A collection of good interviews with American writers, about the election.

This sounds like a fun read: Colin Powell calling Dick Cheney, et al., fuckin' crazies

1 comment:

Safety Neal said...

Yo man -- I linked to you over on my blog again. Keep up the good work.

Safety Neal