Friday, March 11, 2005

Kill your television

Are you listening? AirAmericaRadio has been doing The Work for over a year now. The morning show, "Morning Sedition," is great mix of humor and news/analysis, and Randi Rhodes (late afternoons) is probably one of the best-informed personalities on the air. Janeane Garofalo comes across better on screen though. Al Franken, well... let's just say he comes across better on paper... but he's on while I'm at work, so I don't hear his show. Good stuff! Stay informed! Kill your television!

Very good, short essay from Noam Chomsky. Say it with me now: Kill your television!

Syria's relationship with Lebanon is more complex than George seems able to understand.

Who's surprised by this, at this point? Hussein wasn't really captured hiding in a hole.

Congressman Tom Feeney told a then-employee to "design a software prototype that could "flip" the vote in South Florida voting machines." If this bothers you, as it probably should, take a minute to write a letter to whatever paper you read/news show you watch asking them: where's the coverage of this?

Scary thought

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