Sunday, October 23, 2005

Godzilla vs Toxic Avenger at the Bangalore Thunderdome

Evolution happens. If you doubt me, get over it: it is observed fact. Evolution is simply change over time. Anyone remotely connected to the Earth knows this happens, intuitively. We see it every day. Successful critters live to reproduce.

Theories are proposed to explain observations. "Why did that apple fall to the ground? Theory: there must be a force (gravity) that draws objects together." "Why did I get sick, if I didn't eat or drink anything bad? Theory: there are things called germs that can make us sick." "Evolution" is just an oversimplified answer to the question, "where did all these different species come from?"

One way for a new species to develop, is when a portion of a population gets separated somehow -geography, habit, diet choices, whatever- and slowly adapts to the new circumstance, with successful individuals mating and thereby passing their healthy, well-adjusted gene profile along. Those who weren't so successful in the new circumstance, probably won't get that chance. If the new population remains separated for long enough, the chances for successful random genetic mutation increase, eventually to a point at which the members of the distinct populations no longer recognize the other as "like me."

In nature it takes a long time, but we might be watching it happen, as Mc Donalds and Nintendo join forces to create a habitat ideally suited for Homo sapiens couchpotatus.

Successful mutations are the key to new species formation. India seems determined to be a living evolution laboratory, given that exposure to heavy metals and other toxic waste increases the likelihood of mutations in successive generations and apparently causes loss of cognitive abilities in children. Reality TV in twenty years might be "Godzilla vs. Toxic Avenger at the Bangalore Thunderdome!"




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