Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Fishy carpet

grrr no picture today.

On this day in 1843, the new show "The Virginia Minstrels" opened at the Bowery theater in New York, the first minstrel show in the U.S.

Fifty-two years later, George Herman "Babe" Ruth was born. Bob Marley followed fifty years later.

And in 1989, thousands of tiny dead sardines came down in a heavy rainstorm about lunchtime in Rosewood, near Ipswich in Queensland, Australia. 'It was quite frightening. We didn't know what was happening. All I heard was a noise I though was hail,' said Debra Degen. When her husband Harold called her to go out onto the veranda, she saw the fishy carpet stretching for 50 yards between the house and their mailbox. There were more coming down, some bouncing off Harold's head. They gathered a bowlful for their cat and to keep as a souvenir; the rest were 'gobbled by kookaburras.'

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