Sunday, April 20, 2008

Hot times in the old town tonight!

I've been incapacitated all month (and some of March) by combined allergies/sinus infection and some unrelated tendonitis in my right elbow (which effectively prevents me from doing much of anything physically productive). It's a bitch! If the weather had been decent, I could have at least been shooting some pictures, but winter is lingering here this year so it's been cold and gray.

I am not happy about it.

But, I am happy about a lot of other things. Like, the work that I got done in spite of all the stuffing in my head- I organized a lot of stuff, which will make the coming work much easier. The building of systems -developing schedules that work, devising routines that flow, making compromises between needs/demands and capabilities/possibilities- is hard work, but it's now more-done than it was before. Is it ever finished? I doubt it.

In 1748, Georg Michael Telemann was born.
In 1893, Harold Lloyd and Joan Miro were born.
In 1912, Tiger Stadium (Detroit) and Fenway Park (Boston) opened.
In 1970, the Kansas Union at the University of Kansas was firebombed, marking the end of a week of unrest and civil disorder in Lawrence, sparked by the war in VietNam, the recent incursion into Cambodia, and racial unrest. Hot times in the old town, tonight!
In 1979, President Carter was attacked by a swamp rabbit while on vacation.

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