Wednesday, June 11, 2008

tRead Carefully

The red things are the tiny flowers I found on the hike, that I think I mentioned before. By 'tiny' I mean dinky: the 'fern' leaf there is actually a moss, and the red things themselves were no larger than peppercorns.

John McCain wants more of this. Larisa Alexandrovna calls it treason, and I have to agree.

As the election -and the constitutionally-dictated end of this administration-- approaches, expect the iron fist of corporatist fascism to close ever more tightly on our first amendment and other rights. They have secrets they will do almost anything to protect. They are a wild animal, trapped, and the noose is tightening. Crazy things happen when panic ensues.

Today is Kamehameha Day in Hawaii. In 1184 bce, Troy was sacked and burned, according to the calculations of Eratosthenes. In 1864, Richard Strauss was born. In 1933, Gene Wilder was born.

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