Thursday, August 12, 2004

Message from the Mad One

Blogs: the ultimate in fatuous self-indulgence, or the new journalism? I struggled with this for a long time. Ok, honestly, I still do.

If you're reading this, then you've probably been getting heavily-link-laden emails from me for a while (some longer than others). I started sending news links out around January of 2002, when I saw that the U.S. press was not reporting on what I thought was important. At that time, it was the Enron collapse, and the willfully-blind eye the Bush administration was turning toward 9-11. I just wanted to shine a little unwelcome-but-necesssary light on some stories that our news sources didn't want us looking at. So, if you're one of those people -the ones no longer getting my big fat emails- thanks. Thanks for reading along, and not telling me to shut up or lay off or whatever (even if your silence was because you stopped opening my emails). And if you're still with me, thanks even more.

As for my opening comment: No, I do not think that I am a journalist because I keep a blog. I have tons of respect for good journalism, but I am a mere messenger. They report, I deliver. Stay tuned. Coming soon: drugs!

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