Friday, August 06, 2004

Twisting in the wind

Bush/Cheney campaign showing its true colors

I think some swift boat vets need a swift kick in the ass. Democratic Underground does a pretty good job of deconstructing the ad, but I, for one, am not done:

No one, ever, anywhere, can feel someone else's pain. This is elementary: if you did not sustain the injury, then you do not know how it felt. Period. And as if that weren't enough to shut anyone up: medals, even the purple heart, are not awarded on the basis of self-recommendation. Someone Not-John-Kerry had to tell a third, uninvolved party, that Kerry deserved recognition. To imply that his medals are undeserved, is either to imply that you were there in his skin when he was injured, or that the military system itself is the problem.

Good essay here

Never a dull moment in Turkmenistan

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