Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Siegelman, Spitzer... who's next?

I'd like to share this with you. I think it begins to approach a difficult issue. That's a big step, considering the issue (more on that later).

The fact that Governor Spitzer's activity with a hooker is being reported as hot news is puzzling, so I thought about it: Why is some straight guy being persecuted for hiring a hooker? A female hooker? I think we all assume that everybody in Washington does that, don't we? So, why him? Why not the many guys guilty of much dirtier stuff?

I personally think this story is two things: 1, a "Look at that interesting thing over there!" story, a distraction from another, more threatening-to-whoever story; and 2, a case of a Bush-appointed D.A. acting on orders from above, a la Alabama. I just think the timing is interesting, following his scathing criticism of the Bush administration, not too long ago (criticism was published in October '07, the recordings of the governor were made in February '08). The schadenfreude coming from Wall Street may also be telling.

To say the details of this investigation are murky and dubious (as Sam Seder just said on the radio) is to give them great credit. Something is rotten here. My advice to the Governor: Don't resign, but for god's sake stay out of convertibles and small aircraft.

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