Sunday, September 07, 2008

It's not the war anymore,

It's the economy, stupid. McSame has no plan, and "Dickless Cheney" won't be much help either. Are you better off now than you were eight years ago?

Palin's not qualified to be in charge of trash pickup in DC, and I don't think any thinking person in this country would dispute that. She's a vindictive game-player who thinks that political power comes from "God;" who thinks that 'creationism' should be taught in schools; and that abstinence-only education will prevent out-of-wedlock pregnancies (in spite of all the evidence to the contrary, including her own daughter!).

In short, she's a high-functioning idiot.

Was anyone else surprised when the RNC crowd started shouting "Drill! Drill! Drill!" during her speech? They weren't talking about oil, folks: this was a crowd of 80% white adult males, and the speaker was a beauty queen. Think about it.

I don't think evidence is going to be much good in this contest, but what the heck, here's some against her if you want it:
A letter from someone who has known Sarah Palin since 1992
The lie she told about the plane she "sold on eBay"
Stalling the "Troopergate" investigation
Palin's pastor
Shocking Open Microphone Comments about Sarah Palin (scroll down a bit for the video)
Karl Rove explaining just how unqualified she really is (thanks Jon Stewart!)

And for those of you really interested in real issues, here's the motherlode

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