Friday, September 05, 2008

Sonny & Cher?

No, Johnny and Sarah! John, the sad little old guy who tries -and fails- to tell jokes and lead the show, while his trophy wife -er, trophy beauty queen- --oops sorry, trophy VP candidate-- bests him with her outrageously expensive designer outfits ...and better lines.

Written lines I mean, geez -not lines of coke. As far as I know, anyway. They do have a lot of snow in Alaska though.

Are you better off now than you were eight years ago? Gas prices are way up. Food prices are way up, and rising. Property values are down, but rent and mortgage costs keep going up....

I hear she's Commander of the Alaska National Guard. Though that's not a thing to brag about right now.

As Mayor of Wasilla, Sarah was all about reform. Re-forming the city with federal money, that is. In her own words: "We did well!" I'll say. You don't get to be a VP nominee without having a few friends in DC. Only two steps away from ex-powerhouse lobbyist Jack Abramoff!

And who knew there was more than one Bridge to Nowhere?! This one has her full support. Those kooky Alaskans...

One last thing. Y'know, our Founding Fathers were community organizers. We'd have had no revolution without organization at the community level. Jeezus, are you people even thinking? And speaking of Jesus, He was a community organizer, too. Watch your step there, folks- you might step on some unintended toes....

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