Tuesday, September 02, 2008

What kind of judgment is that?

On this day in 911, Prince Oleg –a Viking Rus-- signed a treaty with the Byzantines.

Winter Patriot summarizes my own thinking on something largely unrelated to Oleg, here.

Sara Palin? Are you kidding? I couldn't be happier. While being vetted for the nomination, she asked, "could someone please tell me exactly what the VP does?" Do I need to go on?

Consider this: she has a 7-month-old baby with Down syndrome. You'd think that might take priority in your life as a Mother, but I guess that's a personal judgment call. The story goes that she had the baby on a Friday, and was back at work the following Monday. What kind of judgment is that?

It's also been suggested that the Down syndrome baby isn't hers at all, but is rather the first child of her 17-year-old daughter, who -if this is true-- would now be pregnant with her second child. NOTE: THE CHILDREN ARE NOT THE ISSUE. The lies are.

It's really beyond my ability to understand how she can still stand behind 'creation science,' when she is personally confronted with the truth of genetics, in the form of Down syndrome. Again, I have to ask, what kind of judgment is that?

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