Jimmy Carter is on fire.
Oh, the hypocrisy! Staggering.
"Meanwhile, back at the ranch, the Republicans in Congress are stacking up a record of election-year folly so gross it staggers even veterans of legislative debacles. First, they let the assault weapons ban lapse, despite the fact that 70 percent of the American people want it kept in place. They had to pass a simple $5 billion corporate-tax plan because we are in violation of tariff laws. This has bogged down in a $150 billion pork-off, while American products are losing billions of dollars in retaliatory sanctions.
Even worse, Congress passed a $145 billion extension of tax cuts. To cover the resulting debt, we are borrowing money from the Bank of China, to be paid off by our children. Showing a fine sense of fiscal restraint, the R's declined to extend minimal credits for millions of children in working-poor families. Instead, they gave another $13 billion in tax cuts to the corporations."
-Molly Ivins
Holy shinola. Fascism here we come: watch for Mr. Redstone to be named head of the FCC in the next Bush administration. Mark my words. I wonder if he'll do us the favor of resigning from Viacom/CBS to accept the position?
Another prominent Republican for Kerry
CBS has now publicly abdicated the position of Journalistic Authority, as surely as FOX News or Leni Riefenstahl ever did. Dan Rather is still The Man -his only problem was that some of the evidence that supported his otherwise-rock-solid conclusion may have been forged- but Sumner Redstone (in charge at Viacom, which owns CBS) is a Bush supporter, so his news department is going to pretend that Rather was all wrong, when in fact he was quite correct in spite of one false lead. Worse yet- as a result of Sumner Redstone's desire to rim White House ass and perhaps get invited to the Inaugural coke-fest, CBS will not be running another story critical of the W because it would be "inappropriate," so close to the election.
Yes, God forbid the voters are informed.
No, the revolution will not be televised. Because that would allow each of us on our couches to see that we're not alone in our despair, that there are people actually fighting the power. But the power we're fighting would rather that each of us believe we're alone. Divided we fall.
VOTE. Vote early, vote often! Vote early; your vote counts. Voting early means you will have a paper record of your vote, in case of wierdness. Voting often means using your dollars to support people who support you and your causes. CBS does not support you or your causes, or your town, or your neighborhood, or hell, even your damn country. By bowing to political pressure, CBS has accepted the role of Pravda in this ongoing passion play. Turn it off, and tell them.
Kill your television while you still can. It's soma.