Friday, February 23, 2007

we like sweets a lot

Would you continue to use a cell phone, if you knew that your cousin's property had to be destroyed to make it possible? Of course not. What if his place of business also had to go, in order for you to use your cell phone? Again, of course not! But cell phones use a dull metallic ore called "Coltan", found in major quantities in eastern areas of the Congo. Coltan mining occurs in the middle of endangered gorilla and other African animals and their habitats. Gorillas then die for lack of food and shelter, and refugee gorillas are murdered in the process, every day. Intelligent, sensitive, family-oriented, and nearly-human creatures, driven out of their houses and murdered on their lawns. Your cousins. The only available ringtone should be the bloodcurdling scream of a dying gorilla baby.

And speaking of cousins, Rudy Giuliani once married one of his.

And for those of you who aren't convinced that apes are really that closely related to us, check this out. This is more than just genetics, folks. Where is your compassion?

The very least you could do, is recycle your old ones.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Waiting for the other shoe to drop

Bushcheney's plans to attack Iran, exposed

Bush, Blair, and Putin- all two-termers, all lame ducks. Who wins their little game of one-upsmanship? Probably China, in the long run.

Is anyone else following election news yet? Right now I like Bill Richardson. He's got executive experience as Governor of New Mexico, very relevant domestic policy experience as Secretary of Energy under Clinton and as a Representative to the U.S. House, as well as foreign policy and diplomatic experience as Ambassador to the UN. But headlines trump experience any day, and ultimately -as much as I hate to say this- money is the only thing that matters. In other words, at this point, I think Obama or Clinton will get the nomination.