Thursday, July 16, 2009

Pardon my French, but

Don't give me this "health care rationing" bullshit. That's right: it's bullshit.

Health care is already rationed in the United States. We call it "billing." It works like this: If you can't afford to pay for the care, you don't get your ration.

It's rationing by virtue of wealth, as opposed to rationing by virtue of need. In other words, the system says "if you can pay for it, then you deserve it. If you can't pay; suffer."

Is that humane? Is that Christian? Is that American? Is that what Jesus would do??

And then there's this. It's not really news, but do you really come here for news?
Unidentified flying objects photographed from the Apollo capsule in orbit and from the surface of the Moon.
and this:
140 years of UFOs in photographs. Thought-provoking stuff!

Monday, July 13, 2009

Manipulation Monday

Watch this. Note how the "scientist" insists that, while he can't identify the object, it is not a "UFO," or in other words, NOT an UNIDENTIFIED flying object.

Wow. The stupidity of that statement just blows me away: do you have no capacity for reflection, sir?

Also interesting is how the Vacant Smiles demean the witnesses ...until they mention that a cop saw it too.

Don't you just love how you're being manipulated?