Coming down from the top of
Yaquina Head Lighthouse, on the Oregon coast. That's Philip and Jacob on the stairs below me. Very interesting historic site, nicely preserved.
My new awl is finished- I keep holding it up to the light and looking into the wood, it's very beautiful. I've oiled and polished it enough that it's got that almost-holographic effect going on in the grain, where you feel like you can see in to the wood itself. As I said yesterday, the wood is
Osage Orange (or Hedgeapple, whichever you prefer), so it's bright yellow. Very striking. I'll try to get a picture. I'll start working it today.
Garden is starting to show some signs of life yesterday. It rained a lot, but during a sunny spot I went outside and looked around, and happened to spot a pea that had been uncovered by the rain. Looking closer, I saw that it had started to germinate, so I covered it up and went about my business. I take it as a Good Sign that not all of my seeds were too old to be useful.
In 470 bce, Socrates was born.In 1792, Captain George Vancouver claimed Puget Sound for Britain.In 1974, Mrs Candelaria Villanueva, 52, had been in the sea with a lifejacket for more than 12 hours after the ship she was on, the Aloha, caught fire and sank 600 miles south of Manila, Philippines. A giant sea turtle appeared beneath her and supported her until her rescue by the navy vessel Kalantia. A smaller turtle climbed on her back and bit her every time she felt drowsy and was in danger of submerging her head in the water. After the rescue, the bigger turtle circled the area twice before taking off.