Saturday, June 07, 2008

Watching the Detectives (observing the observers)

Yaquina Head lighthouse, from Agate Beach.

I very quickly get tired of hearing myself talk about what I'm going to do, so suffice it to say I have a lot on the stove right now. Details to follow as summer unfolds.

In 1937, the train City of Denver arrived in Chicago with a dead trout inside its shattered headlight. It was suggested that the train -traveling 80 mph-- had struck an eagle flying across the track with a trout in its beak; but there was no mention of feathers, or blood, or any other vestiges of a bird.

Friday, June 06, 2008


A Puffin.

Edwin Robinson gradually lost his sight and hearing after a severe head injury in a road accident. Nine years later, on 6 June 1980, he was out looking for his pet chicken near his house in Falmouth, Maine, during a thunderstorm, when he was struck by lightning and knocked out for 20 minutes. (He survived as he was wearing rubber soles.) The next morning he found he could see and hear again and by the end of August he had a full head of hair.

Today is also the birthday of Nathan Hale (1755), Alexander Pushkin (1799- by the Old Calendar the date was May 25), and Aram Khatchaturian (1903- composer of "Flight of the Bumblebee").

Thursday, June 05, 2008


Bald Eagle at Yaquina Head, Oregon.

In 1998 school bus driver Lillie Balltrip, driving to a ceremony in Houston to pick up a safe driving award, turned a corner too sharply and overturned the bus carrying 29 other school bus drivers. The driver and passengers went to hospital, but no one was seriously injured, said Larry Yawn, spokesman for the Houston independent School District.

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Turtles, all the way down.

Coming down from the top of Yaquina Head Lighthouse, on the Oregon coast. That's Philip and Jacob on the stairs below me. Very interesting historic site, nicely preserved.

My new awl is finished- I keep holding it up to the light and looking into the wood, it's very beautiful. I've oiled and polished it enough that it's got that almost-holographic effect going on in the grain, where you feel like you can see in to the wood itself. As I said yesterday, the wood is Osage Orange (or Hedgeapple, whichever you prefer), so it's bright yellow. Very striking. I'll try to get a picture. I'll start working it today.

Garden is starting to show some signs of life yesterday. It rained a lot, but during a sunny spot I went outside and looked around, and happened to spot a pea that had been uncovered by the rain. Looking closer, I saw that it had started to germinate, so I covered it up and went about my business. I take it as a Good Sign that not all of my seeds were too old to be useful.

In 470 bce, Socrates was born.
In 1792, Captain George Vancouver claimed Puget Sound for Britain.
In 1974, Mrs Candelaria Villanueva, 52, had been in the sea with a lifejacket for more than 12 hours after the ship she was on, the Aloha, caught fire and sank 600 miles south of Manila, Philippines. A giant sea turtle appeared beneath her and supported her until her rescue by the navy vessel Kalantia. A smaller turtle climbed on her back and bit her every time she felt drowsy and was in danger of submerging her head in the water. After the rescue, the bigger turtle circled the area twice before taking off.

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

El posto

Today's post is brought to you by the syllable "El." As in pELicans (above).

In 1857, Edward Elgar was born.
In 1883, Chicago’s “El” trains opened for service.
In 1953, Elizabeth II ascended to the throne.

No kidding.

Finally got the garden started this week. When tomatoes started volunteering, I figured it was probably about time for me to start doing some work on it. I'm dreaming up a little mini-greenhouse for the tomatoes now; the natives here are predicting a 'green tomato summer,' so I figured I'd give mine a hot house if I can. It promises to be a complicated project though, so I may not finish 'til next summer.

Also working on a new awl, so I can sew again. And some new garb, so I can play again.

Monday, June 02, 2008

Say the word.

The Common Murre. Birds are cool.

On this day in 1967, The Beatles released “Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band."