Happy accident? I'm happy with it, anyway. I don't edit my photographs very much- a little cropping here and there, a little digital adjustment now and then. Relative merits of Photoshop aside, I think of photography -even digital photography, malleable as it is-- to be ultimately a record of an event. I am personally not interested in using a computer to manipulate someone else's idea of a paintbrush to manipulate someone else's idea of a color in order to manipulate someone else's emotions. It's just not hands-on enough for me.
But now and then our camera will make an image on its own. I was trying to shoot a sunrise through the car window here, but various factors interfered and this is what happened. I like it because -as far as I know, anyway-- I could not have achieved this effect with digital manipulation.
Birthdays today: Samuel Pepys (1633), Georg Friedrich Handel (1685), W.E.B. Dubois (1868), and Kazimir Maleevich (1878).
In 1940, Woody Guthrie wrote "This Land Is Your Land."
And in 1905, The Barmouth Advertiser (Wales) reported that two men, one of them a prominent farmer, had seen a 'gigantic human form rising over a hedgerow. Then a ball of fire appeared above and a long ray of light pierced the figure, which vanished.' They had been returning from a religious service conducted by the visionary preacher Mrs Mary Jones of Egryn, Merionethshire, a figure at the center of the religious revival of that time. Many observers, including sceptical reporters, saw mysterious aerial lights which seemed to follow Mrs Jones around.