Yes, we did the deed, and got these nifty cards to boot! There's personal info on the back.
We did it for legal reasons, among other reasons obviously.
Marriage is a complicated institution. Personal relationships aside, marriage itself in contemporary American society is a unique melding of church and state, in which a functionary of a church is allowed to perform the duties of a public official. This is exactly why we contemporary Americans are having such a problem with it: because the Church doesn't want to, so we don't want It to, and here the Church is the State, so the State can't do it either, even though many people think it should. Get it?
Yeah, it's complicated. We just need to realize that Contemporary Marriage is actually two things: 1) a Church-sanctioned merging of families, and 2) a State-sanctioned merging of fortunes (good or bad). Once upon a time, these could pass for the same thing, but no longer.
I probably sound cold and analytical about it, but I'm happy to have done it, and to have it done. We didn't make a big deal of it, but we celebrated, and will again when our 'official' anniversary comes around again next month. We're sentimental, but not particularly showy about it. (If you'd like to send gifts, we love all kinds of art and homemade things :D ).