No, Johnny and Sarah! John, the sad little old guy who tries -and fails- to tell jokes and lead the show, while his trophy wife -er, trophy beauty queen- --oops sorry, trophy VP candidate-- bests him with her outrageously expensive designer outfits ...and better lines.
Written lines I mean, geez -not lines of coke. As far as I know, anyway. They do have a lot of snow in Alaska though.
Are you better off now than you were eight years ago? Gas prices are way up. Food prices are way up, and rising. Property values are down, but rent and mortgage costs keep going up....
I hear she's Commander of the Alaska National Guard. Though that's not a thing to brag about right now.
As Mayor of Wasilla, Sarah was all about reform. Re-forming the city with federal money, that is. In her own words: "We did well!" I'll say. You don't get to be a VP nominee without having a few friends in DC. Only two steps away from ex-powerhouse lobbyist Jack Abramoff!
And who knew there was more than one Bridge to Nowhere?! This one has her full support. Those kooky Alaskans...
One last thing. Y'know, our Founding Fathers were community organizers. We'd have had no revolution without organization at the community level. Jeezus, are you people even thinking? And speaking of Jesus, He was a community organizer, too. Watch your step there, folks- you might step on some unintended toes....
Friday, September 05, 2008
That girl can shop!

Wasilla: Meth capitol of Alaska
And if that wasn't enough, after taking office as Mayor with a budget surplus, she left her town of 6000 people $22,000,000.00 in debt. Twenty-two million dollars! Yowza, that girl can shop! And that's to say nothing of the many millions in congressional pork that she landed, thanks to her good friendship with disgraced Senator Ted Stevens, currently under indictment on seven charges of taking bribes.
Lipstick on a pitbull-
What this guy really means is "I can't believe I got caught!"
Sorry about the short political posts lately. I have been extraordinarily busy of late, happily, blissfully working on a big huge project. (I'm drafting patterns for pre-sized shoes, if you must know. Yes, I do it by hand. No, I don't use a *@#%ing computer; computers have no sense of style.)
I've also been dealing with money problems and more relevantly, people problems. And when I have intractable problems, especially people problems, I tend to get a little introspective, just in order to make sure that it's not all me.
It's not. But I'm not sure I'm done introspecting; it's kinda nice in here.
Thursday, September 04, 2008
Wednesday, September 03, 2008
Dirty girl
Dirty girl
She knows nothing about Foreign Policy - YOU know more about Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, North Korea, Russia and Pakistan than she does!!
She thinks Alaska should secede from the “union”
She was FOR the Bridge to Nowhere until she was against it
She campaigned for indicted Senator Ted Stevens
She knows nothing the American Credit Crisis, Free Trade, Immigration, Economics, Foreign Policy, National Security, Education, Health Care, Iraq, Iran, Russia, Pakistan, Afghanistan, North Korea or China.
She is under investigation for abuse of power (she had her brother in law State Trooper Wooten fired during a custody battle with her sister)
She was a sportscaster, a city councilwoman and mayor of a town with fewer than 6,000 people before she was elected Governor, almost by default. She now claims “13 years of Elected Experience” because she's counting time spent on the city council.
This is her claim to "more experience" than Barack Obama and Joe Biden, though she still didn't know what the VP does.
She has served less than 2 years as Governor of one of the smallest states in terms of population.
She did not campaign with John McCain.
She did not know John McCain.
She hunts from airplanes.
She is a radical Christian who obviously does believe in choice: “Bristol CHOSE to have her baby”
She thinks the Pledge of Allegiance was written by the Founding Fathers. Francis Bellamy (1855 - 1931), a Baptist minister, wrote the original Pledge in August 1892. He was a Christian Socialist. The Founding Fathers were -almost to a man-- deists, not Christians.
She brought the issue of abortion into the Wasilla’s “Mayor” race (a non-partisan job that pays $68K/year)
Her mother in law won’t vote for her.
She doesn’t know what the Vice President “does all day.”
She stayed in Texas determined to “give a speech” at the Governors Conference AFTER her water broke prematurely with a high risk pregnancy. This is after flying all the way from Anchorage, while in her third trimester (which, incidentally, is not only a health risk to mother and child, but also expressly prohibited by most major airlines, and therefore possibly fraud on the part of Gov. Palin)
She is married to a guy who had a DUI.
She doesn’t believe Global Warming is real.
She doesn’t believe in Evolution.
Oh, and lest we forget the big guy too soon, there's this.
She knows nothing about Foreign Policy - YOU know more about Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, North Korea, Russia and Pakistan than she does!!
She thinks Alaska should secede from the “union”
She was FOR the Bridge to Nowhere until she was against it
She campaigned for indicted Senator Ted Stevens
She knows nothing the American Credit Crisis, Free Trade, Immigration, Economics, Foreign Policy, National Security, Education, Health Care, Iraq, Iran, Russia, Pakistan, Afghanistan, North Korea or China.
She is under investigation for abuse of power (she had her brother in law State Trooper Wooten fired during a custody battle with her sister)
She was a sportscaster, a city councilwoman and mayor of a town with fewer than 6,000 people before she was elected Governor, almost by default. She now claims “13 years of Elected Experience” because she's counting time spent on the city council.
This is her claim to "more experience" than Barack Obama and Joe Biden, though she still didn't know what the VP does.
She has served less than 2 years as Governor of one of the smallest states in terms of population.
She did not campaign with John McCain.
She did not know John McCain.
She hunts from airplanes.
She is a radical Christian who obviously does believe in choice: “Bristol CHOSE to have her baby”
She thinks the Pledge of Allegiance was written by the Founding Fathers. Francis Bellamy (1855 - 1931), a Baptist minister, wrote the original Pledge in August 1892. He was a Christian Socialist. The Founding Fathers were -almost to a man-- deists, not Christians.
She brought the issue of abortion into the Wasilla’s “Mayor” race (a non-partisan job that pays $68K/year)
Her mother in law won’t vote for her.
She doesn’t know what the Vice President “does all day.”
She stayed in Texas determined to “give a speech” at the Governors Conference AFTER her water broke prematurely with a high risk pregnancy. This is after flying all the way from Anchorage, while in her third trimester (which, incidentally, is not only a health risk to mother and child, but also expressly prohibited by most major airlines, and therefore possibly fraud on the part of Gov. Palin)
She is married to a guy who had a DUI.
She doesn’t believe Global Warming is real.
She doesn’t believe in Evolution.
Oh, and lest we forget the big guy too soon, there's this.
Tuesday, September 02, 2008
What kind of judgment is that?
On this day in 911, Prince Oleg –a Viking Rus-- signed a treaty with the Byzantines.
Winter Patriot summarizes my own thinking on something largely unrelated to Oleg, here.
Sara Palin? Are you kidding? I couldn't be happier. While being vetted for the nomination, she asked, "could someone please tell me exactly what the VP does?" Do I need to go on?
Consider this: she has a 7-month-old baby with Down syndrome. You'd think that might take priority in your life as a Mother, but I guess that's a personal judgment call. The story goes that she had the baby on a Friday, and was back at work the following Monday. What kind of judgment is that?
It's also been suggested that the Down syndrome baby isn't hers at all, but is rather the first child of her 17-year-old daughter, who -if this is true-- would now be pregnant with her second child. NOTE: THE CHILDREN ARE NOT THE ISSUE. The lies are.
It's really beyond my ability to understand how she can still stand behind 'creation science,' when she is personally confronted with the truth of genetics, in the form of Down syndrome. Again, I have to ask, what kind of judgment is that?
Winter Patriot summarizes my own thinking on something largely unrelated to Oleg, here.
Sara Palin? Are you kidding? I couldn't be happier. While being vetted for the nomination, she asked, "could someone please tell me exactly what the VP does?" Do I need to go on?
Consider this: she has a 7-month-old baby with Down syndrome. You'd think that might take priority in your life as a Mother, but I guess that's a personal judgment call. The story goes that she had the baby on a Friday, and was back at work the following Monday. What kind of judgment is that?
It's also been suggested that the Down syndrome baby isn't hers at all, but is rather the first child of her 17-year-old daughter, who -if this is true-- would now be pregnant with her second child. NOTE: THE CHILDREN ARE NOT THE ISSUE. The lies are.
It's really beyond my ability to understand how she can still stand behind 'creation science,' when she is personally confronted with the truth of genetics, in the form of Down syndrome. Again, I have to ask, what kind of judgment is that?
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