George is a cruel, greedy sonovabitch, whose first decisions about what to do about the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina hinged upon the question, "how can I be sure that the money goes to 'higher, tighter, and righter hands'*?
(*Actual quote from Poppy (GHW) Bush)
Billions of dollars go missing from Iraq after we take charge. Negligence? Hell no. Try complicity. Sorry George, but I believe in responsibility, and further, that responsibility and command go hand in hand. So yeah, you are responsible for whatever you command. And so yeah, you are complicit in this mess. So take some fucking responsibility, dumbass. Make your buddies hand back the goods. Don't you think they have enough? Don't you think you have enough?
But it won't stop there, oh no. And this will be the future of New Orleans, Biloxi, Gulf Coast: billions in "recovery" funds lost, missing, or "mis-spent" by Karl Rove's pals. That's right, Karl Rove -political operative who's never held a real job in his life- is directing the reconstruction. You asked for it, America: you f-ing got it. The biggest, baddest racket ever. Enron? Pshht. WorldCom? A trifle. Baghdad? That was just practice. Just watch.
We watched Slaughterhouse Five last night, and one of the characters mentioned Communism. So I started thinking about our situation, how ironic it all is. I mean, since right after WWII, America's raison d'etre has been to fight Communism, because Communism meant that all the money and power would be consolidated in the hands of just a few. And yet, here we are, money and power neatly consolidated (in "higher, tighter and righter hands," remember)... and it's just getting worse. But gosh, aren't we lucky we aren't Godless Communists? Thank Mammon!
Oh, and what the heck, let's talk about Basra. Where two British soldiers, dressed as Arabs, driving a car loaded with explosives, fired on Iraqi police. Where these two British soldiers were arrested and held -but not for long (anxious Occupation Authorities didn't want their secrets getting out under torture, apparently), as the British army drove a (or maybe seven?) tank(s) through the perimeter wall to release their men ...along with over 100 other criminals, coincidentally.
But why talk about Basra just now? Because it was a false flag operation gone wrong: this was to have ended in a massive explosion, blamed on "insurgents," in order to prolong the occupation. Because as long as there's an "insurgency," then we "need" to be there. And apparently Tony Blair needs to maintain a presence there too. I hope you at least get a kiss, Tony, coz this has to hurt. No, let me correct that: I hope it hurts. A lot.
And we want to prolong the occupation because only in such chaotic circumstances could so few unworthy souls make so much cash so easily. So long, New Orleans.
No politics too slimy for Republicans. Never mind "right" and "wrong," or "good" and "bad:" for these guys, it's all about winning. The 2008 election will be decided by a bare-fisted brawl. The DNC will allow the RNC to write the rules, of course.
What's that behind the curtain? Abramoff and other of
George's pals are BUSTED.
OH, and meanwhile: we still don't know who sent the anthrax to news anchors and Democratic congressmen in the fall of 2001,
...and we still haven't caught Osama bin Laden. But he's not really a threat: 911 was an inside job anyway. Sleep well, Osama! You're safe as long as the US needs an enemy to excoriate. (look it up).
Finding my politics hard to swallow? Just ask yourself, whenever you hear about a disaster and it's subsequent reorganization: who benefits? (cui bono?). Follow the money, honey.
"Higher, tighter and righter hands"....
Saturday, September 24, 2005
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