I'm expecting to hear from the insurance company today, with the settlement. Our losses totalled over $4,000.00. I know I'm being pessimistic, but I doubt we'll get half of that from Farmer's. Le sigh.
Life goes on, bra! La la how the life goes on.
In 1979, radioactive steam leaked into the atmosphere from the Three Mile Island nuclear power facility, in Pennsylvania. In the film “The China Syndrome,” made before the incident and released just twelve days before, a character remarks that a cloud of waste could wreak death and destruction over 'an area the size of Pennsylvania.' Earlier in the year, a local magazine had run a fictional story called “Meltdown at Three Mile Island.” They even got the date right.
In 1930, over five hundred years after Constantinople fell to the Ottomans (who changed its name to Istanbul), the western world recognized the city as Istanbul.