Happy accidents. See what happens when you don't mow your lawn?
Seriously- I haven't mowed the north side of the yard this year because grass doesn't grow there. Last year, I mowed the weeds there, but started late enough that I discovered the little maroon
trillium that likes to bloom by the stairs to the cellar. This year, thanks to the wet weather, I waited even longer, and lo and behold, more flowers! I have no idea what they are- I think the yellow ones are
Peskius weedus, but the purple ones are so remarkable that I suspect they were planted intentionally by the previous owner. The neighbors all say that he was crazy about flowers. We also get volunteer tulips and other bulb-sprouting flowers in the spring, all over the yard.
I have been initiated into a
revolution in bread-baking. I may never knead again. I resisted so hard: how can so many thousands of years of baking tradition be wrong? Well, it's not "wrong," it's just not the easy way.
Stand ready to be amazed.
On this day in 1908, something as-yet-unexplained happened near the Podkamennaya Tunguska River in Russia.