Wasilla: Meth capitol of Alaska
And if that wasn't enough, after taking office as Mayor with a budget surplus, she left her town of 6000 people $22,000,000.00 in debt. Twenty-two million dollars! Yowza, that girl can shop! And that's to say nothing of the many millions in congressional pork that she landed, thanks to her good friendship with disgraced Senator Ted Stevens, currently under indictment on seven charges of taking bribes.
Lipstick on a pitbull-
What this guy really means is "I can't believe I got caught!"
Sorry about the short political posts lately. I have been extraordinarily busy of late, happily, blissfully working on a big huge project. (I'm drafting patterns for pre-sized shoes, if you must know. Yes, I do it by hand. No, I don't use a *@#%ing computer; computers have no sense of style.)
I've also been dealing with money problems and more relevantly, people problems. And when I have intractable problems, especially people problems, I tend to get a little introspective, just in order to make sure that it's not all me.
It's not. But I'm not sure I'm done introspecting; it's kinda nice in here.
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