Thursday, February 23, 2006

The new math

We should know how to what?

Nigeria is about to pop. Remember what I said about South America? (I've been prognosticating about a reversal in South American politics for some time now, and I see the elections of people like Brazil's Lula, Venezuela's Hugo Chavez, Bolivia's Evo Morales, and Chile's Michele Bachelet as significant moves in that regard. These are radical leftists, folks (with the possible exception of Bachelet, who only seems radical in comparison to her predecessors, those guys who kidnapped and killed her father, a General, back in the day), taking power back to the people. I've been following Hugo Chavez most closely (here here here here and here), but Evo Morales may be even cooler. He was a coca farmer, but is now the first indigenous Andean to take power there, and has halved his own salary and declared that no cabinet minister can take home more than he does, as well as preceding his swearing-in with an indigenous religious ceremony. That being said, Michele Bachelet is another very interesting case- the first woman president of Chile, a single mother in a country which only legalized divorce last year, the daughter of an assassinated General of Chile, and once a political prisoner, herself; she's made her cabinet up of at least 50% women, as promised. Keep watching- it could get even livelier: Peru has an election coming up, with self-exiled ex-Pres Fujimori vowing to return this

Hey everybody, watch this: 6 = 21. Cool, huh?! It's the new math.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hear the gulf is lovely this time of year.