We found this little grotto tucked away next to (well, under, really) the old Gorge Highway. It's a veritable gem. Might have been able to get a good shot of the whole thing with a different lens, but I don't know lenses really, so what am I saying? It's just a little place, the path is about 200 yards long with maybe 50' elevation gain, but very beautiful, like something out of a fairy tale. And yeah, as I recall, it's really called Shepperd's (not shepherd's) Rest. I do not know why. It's possible I misread....
For the sake of easy reading in the future, I'm going to try to remember to use colored text to define different parts of this blog. Personal stuff and notes about my pictures will be in black. Historical factoids will be in green. News will be in blue. Links will be underlined. This will make it easy for you to skip what you're not interested in.
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