Eastern Lewis County, Washington. Sixth and last in the series. I'm hoping to get back there soon- it's been cloudy lately, which means the light isn't exactly ideal, but by the time the sun is shining reliably again, the deciduous vegetation might be so dense that the light won't be ideal again. We'll see.
In 1961, Yuri Gagarin became the first human to orbit the Earth. This date is now celebrated internationally as Yuri's Night.
In 1975 villagers in Ruthwell, Dumfriesshire, UK, were watching 'Around the World in Eighty Days' on TV. Just as the show's hero was about to set off on a balloon, there was a power failure in the village. Outside the village a balloon, attempting to land, had been blown into power lines.
In 1981 a pecan tree in Needham, Alabama, started whining like a puppy. The owners were unable to find a reason for the irritating noise.
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