Wednesday, August 06, 2008

John Dubya McRove

On this day in 1972, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police were called in to investigate a creature which had appeared on the surface of Thetis Lake, British Columbia, and chased two boys, Gordon Pile and Robin Flewellyn, up the beach. It was about five feet tall, silver-coloured, and shaped like a human being apart from enormous ears, scaly skin and 'a monster face'. Flewellyn was cut on the hand by six razor-sharp points on the creature's head. Two other witnesses saw it four days later. A similar monster had been seen climbing up a riverbank in Saginaw, Michigan, in 1937.

Wild dolphin teaches its peers a trick

Magpies recognize themselves in mirrors

Remember all of those microbiologists who were killed, or died under mysterious circumstances, starting shortly after 911? Ivins was just one of many. Creepy.

Random prognostication: John 'Dubya' McRove is going to "win" in a contested election. We will be paying $7/gallon this time next year.

I don't have any real problems with Obama. I'd have preferred Richardson (or hell, while I'm dreaming: Gore), but I think Obama's got his heart in the right place, even though he's bound to make some mis-steps. But I think all we really need to know about McCain is this: that, on returning from VietNam to find his until-then devoted wife severely "damaged" in a hospital as the result of a car accident, he had an affair with a younger and wealthier woman. And then dumped the wife for the mistress.

Really now, do we need any more information than that?

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