Cryptic post today: do the math yourself. I'm afraid of naming names and pointing too directly.
I'll tell you what's going on here: Certain powers-that-be want a President McCain, so certain "loose ends" are going to be tied up over the course of the next few months. This one's clearly first, but look for a captive Osama bin Laden soon. It's too bad they suicided the wrong guy though.
Anonymity and secrecy help no one. An attempt was made to erase this interesting article from history. Interesting.
Don't forget that George and Dick started taking Cipro (the anthrax vaccine) the night of 911. That's right: long before any anthrax threat had been sent, or any threats made public.
Some posit that it was a threatening gesture toward a counter-coup in Washington, as per this entry on a blog I read:
My take on the anthrax episode was that a certain faction felt left out and were kind of hurt by that. Sort of like, "hey, i thought when the coup went down i was going to get to be a part of it! waaah!!"
When a group pulls off a coup, the first thing they want to do after is restore order, their order , as soon as possible. It always felt like the anthrax episode was one group telling the coup group, "we know who you are, and we want in, now, otherwise chaos might continue for a while. and who really wants that?"
But maybe i have been watching too much "Sopranos"...
Last thing I'd say about this today: There is still no coherent chronology of the WTC disaster. That is NOT ok.
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